
Is It Ok To Drink Water After Communion?

Photo of communion cups

The question, “Is it okay to drink water after communion?” is a query often pondered upon by participants in the Christian ritual of communion. This timeless religious sacrament involves consuming a small portion of bread or wafer and wine as a method of remembering the death of Jesus Christ. As many people partake in communion regularly, uncertainty surrounding actions following the ceremony are common. This article seeks to provide a comprehensive answer to such questions, exploring traditional practices, interpretations, and the effects of modern adaptations – such as the convenience of pre-filled communion cup procedures.

Ever since days of yore, the ritual of communion has marked a significant place in Christian faith traditions, signifying the divine and unifying fellowship with Christ. Small changes or additions to this revered practice may be seen with trepidation by some, causing concerns—which leads to questions like whether it is acceptable to drink water post communion. As we delve into this topic, the aim is for readers to walk away with a clear understanding and peace of mind regarding this subject.

The Tradition and Theological Perspective

In order to discuss whether it’s acceptable to drink water after communion, we must first understand the traditional viewpoints. The bread or wafer symbolizes the body of Christ and the wine or juice his blood, forming a spiritual connection between the participant and the divine entity. Some prefer to maintain this sanctity unbroken after the ceremony, savoring the symbolic representation of Christ within them by abstaining from food and drink for a while.

Several strands of Christian faith discourage immediate consumption of other substances post communion, Defenders of this practice argue that this period of abstinence allows the sacred essence of communion to remain undiluted, thus sustaining the sacred respect and honoring the sanctity of the ritual.

Yet, interpretations vary, and it is vital to note that Scripture does not explicitly mention practices about drinking water (or anything else) immediately after communion. Consequently, any practice can be predominantly regional, personal, or dependent on church norms rather than universally accepted or mandated.

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Modern Adaptations and Practicalities

In an ever-evolving world, the practice of sharing communion has adapted to meet the needs of modern congregations. Pre-packaged communion cups have emerged recently as an efficient solution, especially in view of public health considerations. These cups contain a small wafer and juice, pre-filled and conveniently packaged for consumption at any time.

One might wonder about its impact on post-communion practices. Similar to the traditional interpretation, it indeed boils down to personal belief and choice. Drinking water after communion is not inherently disrespectful or inappropriate, especially if required for practical reasons like swallowing the bread or cleansing the palate after the pre-filled communion cups.

Above all, the intention with which one partakes in the communion is more integral to the sacrament than what follows post the ritual. Thus, if the consumption of water (or any other substance) is not perceived as an act of disrespect but a matter of necessity or health, it can be deemed acceptable.


In conclusion, the question of whether one can drink water after communion primarily depends upon one’s own cultural or personal beliefs, local church practices, or individual sensitivities. Traditional perspectives may recommend a period of abstinence post consumption of communion for the sake of retaining the holiness of the sacrament. However, the main focus of the ritual is to remember Christ’s sacrifice, which transcends dietary considerations post consumption.

We believe at The Miracle Meal, that communion is a personal and sacred journey, and we aim to facilitate this voyage for you with our pre-filled, pre-packaged communion cups. Our meal is designed to provide ease without compromising the sanctity of the sacrament. So if you’re comfortable drinking water post communion, know that your experience can remain uninterrupted, quiet, and recyclable, along with a shelf life of one year. Your journey of faith can always be a convenient and personal one when you choose our communion cups, that needs no preparation and respects your individual communion traditions.


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